Blog 2: Update action work

It’s been one month since my latest update about my plan of reducing carbon footprint emission. I will upload what I am actually doing recently.

Week one 7th April to 14th April

On the weekday, I woke up earlier 30 minutes than pervious weeks and walked to the bus station to take the bus to the university. My dad needs to walk the dog every morning, so sometime my dad and I walked to bus station together and he walk back home until I took on the bus. When I walk to the bus station, I saw not too many people walk on the street and most of people drive the car to the bus station and parking in the bus station.

Week two 15th April to 21th April

This week is the study break which is holiday. When I need to go outside to buy something individually, I always walked to the paknsave and countdown. I would bring the bag to the supermarket and don’t use the plastic bag in the market. I know there is an activity “The Bags Not”, which indicated each New Zealander use average 350 plastic bags in a year so in total number of plastic bags is 1.5 billion in New Zealand.

Week three 22th April to 28th April

I met my friend in this week and all the ways to the place is public transport. Once, I met Vicky, Iris and Kylie in the city, we made an appointment in a restaurant and had a lunch. Vicky did not order any meat and Iris did not order the meal with beef. They told me that they are doing the action to reduce the carbon emission. I do not have any plan to response reducing the carbon emission on food management but I think they are implemented me to concentrate on food management every meal.

Week four 29th April to 4th May

I started to cook myself and bring the food to the university because I can control the amount of meat in each meal. I research Carbon footprint ranking of food in which shows the CO2 kilos equivalent. In this week, I am not only walk to the bus station to take the bus to the university, but also bring the less carbon footprint food to the university rather than buying the foot in the food court.

This month, I try to do my action plan to reduce my action and I feel like if someone responses Climate Change by their actions, they will implement to me and influence my actual action even this part of action is not in my action plan.

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